I was so excited for this update for the past week but when I sat down to write it, BAM writer's block!
Why is it so easy to be negative, focus on the wrongs or could of, would have, should have? It is a sad reality that we are so wired to notice the negative and completely ignore all the POSITIVE!
I am happy to report I have turned a corner and been rejuvenated. For the past 3 weeks I have been adjusting my eating habits for the better. I know I have mentioned this before but this time I am practicing what I preach and actually being honest with myself. Instead doing a designer diet and focusing on drastic changes that I will be unable to sustain, I am taking the knowledge I do know and educating myself on the words of advice from people (my sister, 4 Hour Body and Body Rock) I believe in.
A small recap of the changes I promised to make and am sticking to after coming out of my personal denial:
I began following a very basic diet that seems very strict but figured out how to feed myself by focusing on health over taste, lean protein, veggies and lentils and that was it. I learned to be creative with spices and combination. From there I realized I was adding a lot of unnecessary snacking, cheese and oils, I wasn't previously holding myself accountable for. I feel satisfied, healthy and happy. I feel strong and encouraged that I have finally gained control of my perception vs. the reality.
They are a part of my daily life and I enjoy them more then sitting down and watching a favorite TV show or drinking a beer. If you are having a hard time getting motivated or staying motivated, these are some things that help me keep going...
#1 I have a workout partner. Even on days we don't workout together, I am so competitive that I will workout alone to either encourage her or to rub it in her face (that's just me)
#2 Find what works for you, classes, running alone, home vs. gym, training for a event. Variety is awesome and trying enough things you are bound to find one that sticks.
#3 I love buying a new pair of shoes, workout pants, etc. when the other ones are feeling broken down.
I am getting excited to find a new bikini for this summer I have earned it! On that note...
PRAY FOR SUMMER! These "surprise" it snowed 3 feet storms are
over rated!