So as life would have it after this weekend I was kinda feeling blah, just life stuff, but it seems to be in the air because I know I am not the only one. Despite feeling blah, the "Mission" must go on.
To step it up a notch I have adjusted my diet to help support the effort I am putting into my exercises. Starting last week good bye processed foods and my normal intake of 75% cheese and 25% sugar :) Week one went by pretty smooth, hit a couple cheat moments but very minimal. It felt good to match my physical commitment to my mental commitment. Last week I really noticed my clothes were fitting better, I was no longer fearing my jeans in the dryer. Despite that the feeling of Blah set in...
But today is a new day. Buh-Bye Blah, hello G6!!!!
Dear Far East Movement,
Thank you for giving me the perfect tag ling to capture how I felt after today's workout!
Love, Me
The workouts have been kicked up a notch too, we are doubling workouts and adding extra cardio as of yesterday. Well let me just say today Fawne and I got to experience something amazing...
We choose our workout routine: Cherry Cherry Boom Boom and decided to throw in an additional 100 medicine ball sit-up Bad Ass Sit-Ups.
The workout was brutal and demanding of all our strength. Fawne and I both had unspoken apprehension about our addition. I was so worked by the end of the Cherry Boom, I almost squeaked out, "Screw it, let go home." But that is the old me, so I kept my mouth shut, grabbed my medicine ball and laid down. So the timer started and off we went. Fawne and I completed our goal in 8 min!!! Now if you review my workout log, I have not done a SINGLE sit-up in a month!!! We busted these out in perfect form, our feet flat on the ground without a spotter... This is a HUGE testament to our over all growth and increase in strength.
As the early phase of this journey it already feels different then any other attempt to better myself. Despite noticing my clothes are fitting better, I am mostly encouraged by how I feel through out the day. It is awesome to know that no amount of dieting would ever give my the strength to complete these workouts. The constancy and determination are my bread and butter!!!
You are such a badass, Ash! This funk shall pass. I think we're all summer girls and the winter has been tough on all of us. We just need a good dose of sunshine.