Month one down, eleven more left to reach my goal and I am thankful for that time! I have had landmarks before to encourage me to step-up my work outs, go on a diet or do some cleanse that turned my into a starving biatch. One of two things happened, either I followed through with the system to feel a little more trim for the event or just put it off daily until I had one day to skinny up! Thankfully I have maintained a quasi in shape figure so don't worry I am not giving my self a complex. However this realistic goal of giving myself a year to follow through and not with a traditional binge and purge, I feel this year will prepare me for the type of healthy lifestyle I would like to maintain at all phases of my life.
That being said Month One has been fantastic, I even wish I could give it a fancier name! I have stuck with my workout routine and only took a couple day off for NYE. My workouts make me feels great and really complete my day. I feel at this point they are becoming so routine, it is like brushing your teeth, if you skip it your whole day just feels funky!
My workouts are completely challenging but are a fun competition I have with myself each day. Beyond the moments of actually exercising, the energy and gratification carries me into the next day. It is fun to share, brag, cheer each other on, compare sorenesses and get reved up for that day's workout!
Unlike other techniques I have used before, the general excitement of my friends, family and coworkers is contagious and supportive. People have heard us plan our routine for the day or share the agony we were in after the 400th jump lunge and now they too are on the G6 ride.
It has made month one fly by and the muscles to build and the fat to melt! This is really not about a smaller jean size but more about a personal journey that helps each of us find our strength in character and puts us on the path of being the best "me" that God intended us to be.
PS in case anyone is wondering if I am losing any bit of my fiery side... For the record just because I have completed my daily workout doesn't mean I didn't have to shake off the residue from the night before and suck it up. I am just trying to be more balanced, these effort will not be lost to Rigaberto's and hangovers...
Cheers to 2011!!! Wishing you all the best in love, health and happiness...
I'm proud of you, Smash!
ReplyDeleteyou go girl! Love you~Deb