Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Nothing Blue!

The past two weeks I have add a couple new tweaks to my routine... Variety is the spice of life!

Old: Two years ago I took my very first Pilates class. I LOVE Pilates, the blend of strength training and fluid stretching is my recipe for a well rounded routine. I had taken some time off from Pilates and I was so grateful to find out my favorite teacher, Gina De Loia is offering an evening class. I am so excited to reincorporate Pilates back into my routine.

New: BREAKFAST! In an effort to start my day off right I am committing to eating within 30 minutes of waking up. Most days I don't have the time to prepare much. I attempt to start my day off with a serving of protein to get me started. When I have not a minute to spare I make sure to eat a serving of cottage cheese. It may not be balanced but it is something.

I don't wanna look like this guy

Another new diet tweak is my cheese intake. In reality I was eating cheese in every meal and as snacks through out the day. I should be a Packers fan!!! I have made the change and so far it is not painful. I am leaving cheese out of the meals I make and no longer snacking on it. I am hoping this will help my efforts...
PS cottage cheese doesn't count.

Borrowed: I recently purchased a book called the 4 Hour Body. The author has put a lot of research behind testing non-traditional methods of diet and exercises. In the diet portion of the book he introduces a strict diet for 6 days and the 7th day is a binging free for all. I can't bring myself to do this freakish diet but he brought up some valid points about food digestion and more efficient ways to digest foods that should be a part of your regular diet. Long story sort he suggests 120 seconds of exercise pre and post cupcake. I have began squeezing in 40 squats prior to eating something I shouldn't and after. Also if I am out and about drinking and eating less then desirable treats, while on a bathroom break I will also do 40 squats. I laugh a little to myself when I am squatting but 2 things, first it makes me stop and think do I really want this x and don't feel like I am sabotaging my efforts.
*Side note; I can't stand this book. The information is very hard to retain or even receive because the author's talent as a writer is that of an attention starved frat boy turned scientist.

Friday, February 18, 2011

All this White Stuff...

No I am not going to talk about white flour, white bread 
or the middle of an Oreo... 
The snow is snowing on top of the snow!
This was my front yard... Yes this is shovel zone but FYI I am 5'5"

I have been pretty much snowed in since Tuesday. Normally I would begin to go stir crazy but I am loving this. When the snow falls at this rate and quantity it creates the most tranquil silence and amazing glow at night. 

So being stuck inside in front of the fire has stoked my inner fire and the fire under my ass. After last weeks low, creative slump, writers block, confectionery stupper, I am back...
I reflected on times when I succeeded at a "diet" and the mind frame I would evoke to get through it. I decided my diet only need minimal  tweaks. I mentioned before that I am not a morning person and I am able to see how it is not just about needing more sleep, I am missing breakfast... I live on 2 cups of coffee for 2-4 hours before I eat. So on to my point, I have been eating breakfast. Wow what a difference also I have been waking up during 6am, 7am and 5am with Kenny.

While being snowed in I ventured to make homemade black beans. Legumes are full of protein and fiber, SUPER FOOD! The ones that come in the can are loaded with sodium, no bueno! Well they turned out great. My breakfast this week has been delicious and keeping me going plus I feel less need to binge, snack or stray during the day. 
Breakfast: 1-3 eggs any style, mixed greens with spinach, black beans, cilantro, tomatoes, squeeze of lemon, a dash of spike.
 Workout: yada yada, no biggie, keeping up and pushing myself hard, still Body Rocking
 However the workout of the week is....

Snow Boarding in waist deep powder!!!
I loved every freaking moment of it, the trees, the snow, the thrill, the falls! It was the perfect therapy for winter blues.

Also I have to say the best improvement of this winter compared to last is my new Snow Blower, the Kenny 3000! xoxo

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In the Beggining... A re-post!

I am reposting my first blog post... I am using it to remind myself of my commitment and my goals... I will be honest self doubt was my biggest enemy and regret not having more faith in my MISSION. I didn't take a before picture, frankly I had the camera in hand but was mortified to push the button, also I didn't take measurements. However I do feel I avoided these steps because I had tried them before and I had failed.... Two months in that is not the case, I am happy to report I was lost a legitimate 10 lbs, my clothes fit better and my muscles are more defined!
I took a picture a couple weeks ago I am brave enough to share... I am still coveting the "before" photo from this summer!
Thank you everyone for the love and support, I hope you are setting goals with me. Also I have to give credit of my butt kicking routines to 
Body Rock TV , if you haven't checked it out you are missing out!

Nov. 11, 2011

Feb 4, 2011

*** Please Keep Me Motivated and 
"Follow" Me on My Journey***
It's easy just sign in to a google or yahoo account!

This is the post that started it all...
So I recently celebrated my 29th birthday. It was a little scary but a awesome opportunity for me to reflect on my 20's and they have been nothing short of amazing! However I noticed I am "a li'l full of shit" not when it come to my commitments to my family, friends and work but when it comes to myself. I make commitments, goals and promises to myself that I flake on about as quickly as I made them and I have been okay with that until now! I think women are especially prone to this and I am sure you can relate... So I am choosing to make a commitment to myself but to help change my pattern I am going to put it out in public. I am asking for support from all the people I am blessed with but in return I would like to give my support on your journey too.
My incredible 20's (and teen years) are now nicely reflected when I wear a bikini, not the worst but not the best. So my mission will be to reverse, recover, and remove the evidence of all my great adventures for my body! I know most of us have spoken about our diets, exercise and motivation while drinking cocktails and eating cheese. Now don't fret by no means am I suggesting getting rid of those traditions. I just think we could all use the extra support, motivation and a sounding board. 
Hopefully this little community will encourage all of us in not only our fitness goals but wherever one of us may feel like we have been neglecting.
Obviously there are a million and one ways to pursue our ideal selves and what works for one person may not for another. I am hoping this community will become a place to give motivation, variety and support not matter what means you may be using.
I am excited about some of the resources I have and love learning what maybe working for you. So that being said lets do this, so we can be some bad ass bitches!
<div style="border-bottom: medium none; border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; clear: both; text-align: center;">
<span style="color: #38761d; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>I am reposting my <span style="font-size: large;">first</span> blog post... I am using it to remind myself of my <span style="font-size: large;">commiment</span> and my <span style="font-size: large;">goals</span>... I will be honest self doubt was my biggest <span style="font-size: large;">enemy</span> and regrete not having more <span style="font-size: large;">faith</span> in my <span style="font-size: large;">MISSION</span>. I didn't take a before picture, frankly I had the camera in hand but was mortified to push the button, also I didn't take measurements. However I do feel I avoided these steps because I had tried them before and I had <span style="font-size: large;">failed</span>.... Two months in that is not the case, I am <span style="font-size: x-large;">happy</span> to report I was lost a legitimate 10 lbs, my clothes fit better and my <span style="font-size: large;">muscles</span> are more defined!</strong></span></div>
<div style="border-bottom: medium none; border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; clear: both; text-align: center;">
<span style="color: #38761d; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>I took a picture a couple weeks ago I am brave enough to share... I am still coveting the "before" photo from this <span style="font-size: large;">summer</span>!</strong></span></div>
<div style="border-bottom: medium none; border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; clear: both; text-align: center;">
<strong><span style="color: #38761d; font-family: Arial;">Thank you everyone for the love and support, I hope you are setting goals with me. Also I have to give credit of my butt kicking rountines to <a href=" Rock TV</a>&nbsp;, if you haven't checked it out you are missing out!</span></strong></div>
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<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Nov. 11, 2011

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<tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; cssfloat: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="240" j6="true" src="" width="320" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">Feb 4, 2011</td></tr>

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<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large;">This is the post that started it all...</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">So I recently celebrated my 29th birthday. It was a little scary but a awesome opportunity for me to reflect on my 20's and they have been nothing short of amazing! However I noticed I am "a li'l full of shit" not when it come to my commitments to my family, friends and work but when it comes to myself. I make commitments, goals and promises to myself that I flake on about as quickly as I made them and I have been okay with that until now! I think women are especially prone to this and I am sure you can relate... So I am choosing to make a commitment to myself but to help change my pattern I am going to put it out in public. I am asking for support from all the people I am blessed with but in return I would like to give my support on your journey too.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">My incredible 20's (and teen years) are now nicely reflected when I wear a bikini, not the worst but not the best. So my mission will be to reverse, recover, and remove the evidence of all my great adventures for my body! I know most of us have spoken about our diets, exercise and motivation while drinking cocktails and eating cheese. Now don't fret by no means am I suggesting getting rid of those traditions. I just think we could all use the extra support, motivation and a sounding board.&nbsp; </span>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Hopefully this little community will encourage all of us in not only our fitness goals but wherever one of us may feel like we have been neglecting. </span>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Obviously there are a million and one ways to pursue our ideal selves and what works for one person may not for another. I am hoping this community will become a place to give motivation, variety and support not matter what means you may be using.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">I am excited about some of the resources I have and love learning what maybe working for you. So that being said lets do this, so we can be some bad ass bitches!</span>

Nutritional Bite for the Week...

In honor of my diet insanity this week I am trying to reel myself back to reality. I can't seem to feed myself anything remotely healthy or green, therefore I am highlighting Super Foods! No I am not talking about Odwalla's "Super Food" that packs 600 calories into a bottle by disguising thick pulpy fruit juice  in a murky green to make you think it is good for you. Nor I am I suggesting you contribute to robbing Brazil of it's precious Acai berry for $7 per serving. No gimmicks just healthy foods that will provide great benefits, they will fit into any budget and can be found in any store. Super Food should be included in every meal and snack. These food are nutrient rich and help satisfy hunger and sustain you longer, that is just the beginning...

Protein – lean red meat, salmon, eggs, low fat plain yogurt (some Greek brands have 20+ grams of protein), black beans, tofu/tempeh , kidney beans, low fat cottage cheese, chicken breasts, turkey breasts, protein supplements (check for sugars)
Veggies and Fruits spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, oranges, mixed berries, lettuce, bananas, grapefruits, cucumbers, kale, collards,
Carbs and Fiber – mixed beans, quinoa, whole oats, amaranth
Good Fats* – mixed nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, flax seeds (ground), coconut milk
* watch your portion control here, these foods are very dense in calories and easy to over do it

Drinks – green tea, coffee, H2O
I am not educated enough to promote any other drinks however drinks can be a diet sabotage so check your labels avoid high sugar content (fructose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, honey, can juice) they are additives that tack on extra calories.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How do I put this...

So I won't get into the nitty gritty but this past week I have a nut job

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Pattern of Monday

All is going well in my journey but I am beginning to notice a pattern that is slowing down my progress! It name is Monday. But Monday's energy is the victim of Mr. Weekend!

Yup my weekends are catching up with me and two Monday's in a row I am feeling like a li'l slug! Instead of getting discouraged or trowing in the towel I am using this example as a time to reflect. Ashlee pre29 would allow my sluggish mood, attitude, energy and feeling like crap cause me to retreat. Now my weekend behaviors include a Saturday workout,  it feels good kinda earning back a li'l more of the damage I will do...
This week in particular the sluggish feeling hung around all week... I didn't allow myself to be talked out of it or make excuses to not participate. I worked out everyday! Even during my Burpee Fusion workout, i took me 2 hours to talk myself into it and a text from Erin talking about her workout plan was what I needed... I talked, sang, used reps counting mind tricks to get myself through the it! Funny thing was my last 20 burpees were the easiest. I was a sweaty drooling running nose mess but I was a PROUD mess, 155 burpees will do that to a person... Also my form is getting impressive and I shaved more then a minute of my time!

Thanks for listening! I have a ton of blog posts running through my head right now, so stay tuned they will be good :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Catching a Buzz...

In case anyone is paying attention I have tweaked my blog layout and tabs a tiny bit. I am riding the high of having more motivation and focus! They are great side affects to my original goal, to be smoking hot on 12/04/2011, my 30th birthday! I feel like my other interests and knowledge might be helpful in all of our goals to be a better person inside and out.

The new Tab are,
"Nutritional Bites" this page will be small morsels of information about nutrition and diet to help with a healthier you, me and us.

"Weekly Greens" will provide tips and information to help lead a greener lifestyle. Taking care of the Earth that always takes care of us!

To keep with the theme of my "Random Thought" about my anticipation of morning coffee. The first posts in my newest tabs will follow suit...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random Thoughts...

I just got really excited for my coffee in the morning!!! However I won't be excited to wake up in the AM because I never am. I blame my lack of being a morning person on my mother, way back when and she signed me up for afternoon kindergarten... Thank you mom for the amazing ability to sleep in!
Plus I have found a new great joy... Previously it was my adorable ToGo mug from World Market they look just like a paper cup from any coffee shop but are ceramic with a silicone lid, adorable. Now I love drinking my coffee at home, I feel less rushed and it seems like my last sip is more satisfying. Unfortunately I have a addition to my coffee routine, popping the cream or milk into the microwave for 50 secs. all warm and frothy! I only say unfortunately because the whole not a morning person thing, every additional step cuts into my sleep :) Thanks Elysa for sharing your coffee secrets!

Going Green!

I changed up my layout because despite my mission, I have other passions and interests that do not include me being at the gym or talking about cheese! One of those things that I love and believe in is put forth the effort to be GREEN! I love the Earth and I think sharing good ideas to promote it's health is a responsibility I have because Mother Earth has always taken such good care of me... Each week I will post small tips or advice on making your lifestyle a li'l GREENER.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week in the Knees!

My life is so full of blessings I am not sure where to start...
***Holly and I walking the shores of South Lake***

I have had such an amazing week and a half. I consider myself a happy person who can find the positive, I don't complain much and I can normally be found in the center of attention (LOL) but this mission I am on seems to keep my head in a great place. I feel my commitment to taking better care of myself and keeping myself on a more regimented schedule I am actually enjoying every day more then I thought I could.
I had a week of some butt kicking workouts! Along with the Body Rock workout the cardio has returned! Again it was a great surprise how much endurance I have built and it is not as mentally challenging as it used to be. Spending time on the treadmill feels really good and has been a nice addition to the strength training. One thing I have noticed is exercise within you limits. I have played sports since I was four years old and my joints have some major wear and tear, so word to the wise don't try to get completely parallel in a one legged squat... Despite my need to be competitive I have to listen to my body and a blown knee would really derail my mission! So push yourself but don't over do it...

Previously I would fluctuate a good 10-15lbs. within any given week. It is pretty freaking amazing how you can squeeze 10 extra pounds into your clothes and they still button, snap and zip. My zippers musty have been working hard!!! My jeans go on with out the stretch out dance, my T-shirts cover my muffin without having to layer up with a longer tank... Oh wait did I say muffin, I think this week I have a waist. I no longer have to check every angle in the mirror to make sure I don't have that dreaded dent! I think Fawne said it best last week as we were prepping for our workout, "I feel really good and can feel myself getting stronger, I know we still have work to do but what the hell was I thinking before? How did I think this was okay?" AMEN sister, how do we ignore our needs, our health and our waist line for such long periods of time and we think it is okay! Those day are gone, yes the physical benefits are awesome but the over flow into other parts of my life are as good as hours with a therapist.
The workouts have been a great stress relief and allow me to clear my head each day, as a teen alcohol and drug counselor, this is priceless. Each day I wake up feeling calm and rested. When I get to work, I can focus on the client I am with and stay present for them.

***Baby Drew the day he was born, 5 months ago***

In my personal life I keep my eyes open and my mind aware of how truly blessed I am for the special people I have in my life. Kenny and I had an awesome first date with our dear friends Corrie and Brian. Yes I say first date because it is the first time we dined together in dinner party style with the Aggers. This day I decided to skip my workout but got in plenty of biceps curls bouncing, snuggling and peek-a-booing with the most adorable 15 lbs. of joy, Corrie and Brian's baby, Drew! I just love him :)

Then I closed out the week with a fabulous event! A Wine Walk that included 4 houses with delicious treats and of course wine. It was a big success each house was visited for about 2 hours and the progression was themed like a meal... The crowd of people was great and well rounded, including my favorite Skagg Heather!!! Heather moved from Tahoe 2 1/2 years ago now and I miss her dearly but truly enjoy any time I get to spend with her. As far as I can tell there weren't too many casualties and I won't name names... With all my workout efforts not eating like it is my last meal is becoming effortless. I had a great time at the Wine Walk but didn't not feel like a stuffed myself costing me my workouts for the week. I included a couple photos to prove I am not a gym rat and actually have a life!

Closed the week out with some George Clinton funk and my first day snowboarding in 2 years! Wow what was i thinking I really miss being on the mountain???

***My sis and me. Can you tell we're related?***

***Grilled Cheese Bar. Delicious!***

***First Day on the Mountain in 2 Years!***